English 5 – 3/17/21, Wednesday

Quick meeting tonight….

5-5:10pm:  Intro…..  How was/is your day??

5:10-5:35pm:  Irby….  Where are you in the book?  (Don’t worry about spoiling…. Even if you know what happens, you still have to read and for your own opinions and reactions.)

What is in your reactions?  How is Irby narrating her days versus Lawson?

5:35-5:50pm:  What do you want to write?  What story do you want to share with readers?  If you had to write ONE story (which you are, being alive), what is it?

5:50-6pm:  Close… What’s on the page?

ASSIGNMENT:  Finish Irby’s book over Spring Break, write three page reaction to the entire book.  An opinion, singular idea.  DO NOT OVERTHINK THIS. But, still, have pride in your work, ownership of your idea.

ASSIGNMENT:  Think of ideas for a story, from YOUR life.  Come back with notes and ideas and possibilities… canvass your thoughts, prospect for new ideas.

ASSIGNMENT:  Research memoirists, people who write from their own life like Irby and Lawson, Sedaris.  Who did you find?  Who do you want to read… Who would you like to have coffee with?

176 Comments Add yours

  1. roryhinkle says:

    this week was a bad depression week for me, and Irby’s writing has been a comfortable respite. my existence is a lot more deliberate nowadays because i have to put way more effort into just completing basic tasks. when irby writes about forcing herself out of bed and feeling super yuck, i FEEL that. her writing reminds me that it’s totally normal to feel this shitty. and reluctant to exist.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. mikemadigan says:

      Glad you find peace in her work. Please make note of that and use it later!!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. roryhinkle says:

      “My favorite thing to do in a public restroom, other than cruise for closeted gay politicians with whom to have loud anal sex, is to get comfortable in the stall with my butt directly on the seat and poop like a person who understands that this is a normal function of my human body.”

      is the vibe I’m bringing to being alive this week

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      1. mikemadigan says:

        Great quote here, and profession of her observational movement and sensibility..


    3. Paul Poulter says:

      Holy hell I relate to this so hard. With my anxiety spike earlier in the week, depression has been kicking my ass of late. I appreciate you speaking out, that shit helps me put my shit into perspective. Reluctant to exist. That’s been in my brain for so long without being able to put it words. Fucking appreciate you Rory!

      Liked by 3 people

      1. roryhinkle says:

        (´͈ ᵕ `͈ )thank you! i appreciate you too yo

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    4. kannicaeggink says:

      I’m sorry to read that Rory. If there’s anything that would contribute for a better mental space let me/us know. I’m happy to read that she gives you comfort, You’re gonna be absolutely fine, no, WONDERFUL! Don’t lose hope. You matter 🌹

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    5. janessagoodwin says:

      I definitely appreciate the reminder too. This is a new experience reading about other people’s mental health. It’s surprisingly refreshing lol

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  2. Daisy Guevara says:

    I’m starting “a guide to simple home repairs.” The lower case/no punctuation throughout the chapter enhanced curiosity for the reader on a lived-reality scale. They invite further study into them and it is interesting as we are all either home occupants or maybe aspire to be someday. It shows, you know, pensive inquiries from her ignorance or naivety of “not knowing” which is inspiring on multiple levels. As researcher, this utterly fascinated me.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. levoneral says:

    I’m about halfway through the book so far. I’ve had my fair share of awkward interactions with non-like minded people in the country, like she did in her chapter about transitioning from city life to more urban country life.

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  4. mikemadigan says:

    When writing anything from your life, forget form and editing and focus on TRUTH.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. kannicaeggink says:

      Honestly though! The amount of times I filter put all the bad in my life just to highlight all the pretty aspects of it. It’s a half truth. Because life truly is good, bad and UGLY.

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  5. mikemadigan says:

    Find peace in YOUR story. Even and ESPECIALLY in the parts that pain you.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. connorsoutherland says:

    If I was to just write about my life or something about me living, it would be my life changing trip to Hawaii. I climbed more mountains than I can count, not just physically, but also mentally and gained a perspective that changed my life moving forward. I wouldn’t be the same person I am today without the lessons Oahu taught me, and the experiences I still dream about.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. levoneral says:

    By “what story do you want to write”, are you asking what we want to do in life, and make of our lives story, or what we want to physically write and share a piece of literature with others?

    Liked by 1 person

  8. mikemadigan says:

    Read your own writing, over and over, especially when writing your own story.. the narrative is yours, always.

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    1. Daisy Guevara says:

      F/ck yeah. This is “horns out” energy.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. mikemadigan says:



  9. I would write something in the tone of me just being me. which includes family and friends.

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  10. roryhinkle says:

    “One of these smug assholes boldly suggested that we all put our phones facedown in the center of the table for the entirety of the meal and the needlessly lingering discussion afterward. They did it. Grudgingly, I did it, too. I placed my phone facedown next to a twee mason jar with a plant in it”
    i must admit that sometime I AM this smug asshole. My phone feels like a leech. no matter how many times I disinfect it, I can’t get rid of the tunnel vision anxiety it gives me, and the weird palpable stress it creates around my whole ears and shoulders. OF COURSE i like my phone SOMETIMES, but i would be a mess if I didn’t put screentime caps on all of my social media.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mikemadigan says:

      This is great!!! Please continue for a submission… develop this scene and character.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Paul Poulter says:

    If I had to write one story, it’d honestly just be a similar tale to that of Lawson; a jumbled assortment of the shit I’ve been through in this thing we call life. Every time I meet someone and we exchange life tales they’re always blown away by the pure insane shit I’ve seen in my life. As long as what I write can inspire others to be happy or live a good life, then I’m fucking down.

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  12. I think I still need to live longer to find the depth of my story, but as of today I think something I would really want to write about New York. I think it really made me who I am today and there’s nowhere else I would have rather lived experiencing and getting to know so many different people, cultures, and events both good and bad interactions.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Morelia says:

    if i were to write about something in my life, it would be about soccer and how it saved and changed my life. If it wasn’t for the sport being in my life I don’t know what direction i would have been today. maybe i wouldn’t be in this class writing in this blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Lily Backus says:

    I have a lot of stories I’d like to share with readers. I can think of a couple of stories that taught me really important lessons I wish other people could learn, and hopefully without making the same mistakes. Off the top of my head most of the important stories that taught me lessons are sad and hard to listen to though, and if I only get one story I don’t want it to be a sad one. I think that I would chose the story of how me and my best friend became best friends. We were quite the frenemies as kids, although we were probably leaning a more on the enemy side. I think that the story our that friendship shows that you really never know when someone is going through the same thing. It also probably has other hidden meanings I’d need to reflect on my life to find, because I met my best friend when I was 5.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. roryhinkle says:

    I want to write about passion and creative enthusiasm and recovering from trauma and reckless abandon when tackling new creative endeavors/uncomfortable situations.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. janessagoodwin says:

    Honestly I don’t have any story I feel compelled to share with readers. Right now, the most important reader is myself and that’s my top priority as selfish as that sounds! It’s not important to me to share my story because I’m busy trying to make sure I’m healthy enough to even be able to write (live) one. But say I didn’t feel that way and there was something I’d like to share. it would probably be how I’m navigating spirituality and breaking free from the strict religious path my family carved for us. How this has made me Feel comfortable in my own skin and im ok being alone with my own thoughts now.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mikemadigan says:

      ALWAYS, write for you.


  17. Cory Cochran says:

    I do not know what story I would want to share with everyone, I would have to sit and think about it. I sometimes fall into the pit of feeling like none of my stories are interesting but I try not to think that.

    Liked by 2 people

  18. selenadiaz7 says:

    Are you asking what we want to write in reflection to the book or just about anything?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mikemadigan says:

      What you want to write from YOUR life. YOUR story..

      Liked by 1 person

      1. selenadiaz7 says:

        well if we are being real here- I would definitely like to write about how I am a survivor of verbal and physical abuse. Domestic violence is such an unfortunate thing that happens in children’s lives and I feel its important to write about my personal experiences to encourage others to not stay silent and to know that there is so much life to live and no matter what we went through, we can create a life worth living!

        Liked by 1 person

  19. Sebastian Ruvalcaba says:

    I would choose to write about my life. I would write about all the struggles I’ve gone through and all the things that I am proud of. I would mainly focus on the events and moments that brought me to where I am currently.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. That would be great way to find people who have gone through those situations.

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  20. oliver castillo says:

    I would write about my high school experience and how it slowly began shaping this false narrative and this character I had never met before.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. mikemadigan says:

      Would love to read that.


    2. roryhinkle says:

      i like this! i think you should expand on that idea!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. oliver castillo says:

        Will do! thank you!

        Liked by 1 person

    3. Lily Backus says:

      I’d read it now I’m curious.

      Liked by 2 people

  21. TiffanyFayed says:

    If I was to write a story about my life it would be my trip to Lebanon, where I’m from. I visited Lebanon 2 years ago in the summer with my family and saw some family that I haven’t seen in so long. I don’t visit Lebanon often so this was the first trip I was really old enough to understand what was going on. A lot of my friends from Kuwait (where I live now) who are Lebanese were there too, it was fun to hang out with them in a different country. But now Lebanon is ruined and the government and the president are bad and they’re stealing money from the people and there was a bomb in the capital of Lebanon, It’s kind of interesting cause we didn’t have a president for the longest time and we were completely fine, but now we do the country went to shit.

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Cory Cochran says:

    If I had to write a story I would choose maybe something about my late childhood and how that has made me the person I am today.

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Daisy Guevara says:

    What do I want to write? I want to finish writing a response to my friend whom I haven’t spoken to in about a month because my anxiety disallowed me from sending the “perfect” text reply message and now I just feel like an abusive ghoster and I am really ashamed that I let so much time go by without communicating after the 4th attempt. This is why I can’t see myself compromising with most any idea as I am largely a confident skeptical or I aim to be. It’s harmful, I know, wish it was more simple, such as: “the glass is half full” or “the glass is half empty”; but, “WHAT IS THE GLASS FILLED WITH…? Water or sulfuric acid…?” is far more important to me. As of now, I have 578 words and I’m not even half way done before I feel satisfied with the writing to send. I hate the phone… so I am choosing more poetry and love. It’s wonderful and I hope I am not indeed a hated friend. If the pandemic has taught me or amplified anything it would be to have more understanding, compassion, and acceptance regardless of what you presume you know.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Im the same way! thanks for sharing that!

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  24. mikemadigan says:

    For tonight’s page…. See everything in your story and around you now as interesting and something that needs to be read.

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  25. laurabewest says:

    If I had one story to write, it would be about changing my perspective from seeking survival, to seeking to live with abundant joy…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Definitely intrigued with just that short description.

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    2. Paul Poulter says:

      If this story comes along with your drawings alongside, count me the hell in!

      Liked by 1 person

  26. roryhinkle says:

    My pages are filled with a lot of barely legible handwriting, words i like, doodles, and run on sentences (oops)

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  27. Gianina Mencarini says:

    I don’t really know what I would write about. Maybe my journey from being super socially awkward to coming out of my shell a little bit better and pushing myself to be someone I want to be.

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  28. mikemadigan says:

    FTP: More exploration of your story, your Now.


  29. kannicaeggink says:

    I want to write about me. And me is me as a person but also the people “me” has interacted with. So many great stories, memories, personalities. Enough content for a novel.
    The high feelings and the lows. Everything. Raw and pure

    Liked by 1 person

  30. Lily Backus says:

    OTP:You have a story, look for it instead of denying that there is one somewhere.

    Liked by 1 person

  31. Chloe Robson says:

    My story would refelect how ive grown as person over the year. from tarting as a little girl who kinda let everyone alk over her to now being a trong badas woman

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Daisy Guevara says:

      I’d love to read this.


  32. Cory Cochran says:

    OTP: focus on truth while self writing, be yourself, and just the different assignments we were assigned. Have a good night!

    Liked by 1 person

  33. TiffanyFayed says:

    OTP: Expand on the idea that Irby engages with the reader more than Lawson does.
    . \See everything in your story and around you now as interesting and something that needs to be read.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mikemadigan says:

      Yes!! Have a great spring break!!

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  34. OTP: Find peace in your story especially in the parts that pain you!
    Have a great spring break everyone and have a goodnight!!

    Liked by 1 person

  35. oliver castillo says:

    OTP: I have a story to tell.

    Liked by 1 person

  36. Gianina Mencarini says:

    OTP: More exploration of your story, your Now.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mikemadigan says:

      Exploration and sight.. embracing what is rather than mourning what you think is absent.


  37. Paul Poulter says:

    OTP: Get things done. Appreciate those around you and how you got here. Spring Break is no excuse to fall behind. Get to it.

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  38. On the page Live your life like a story, enjoy it make it interesting and learn from it!


  39. Daisy Guevara says:


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  40. selenadiaz7 says:

    OTP: be true to your story.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. kannicaeggink says:

      OTP: Find peace in YOUR story. Even and ESPECIALLY in the parts that pain you. These words are pretty
      Important to me. As a writer and a person.
      Have a good break everyone

      Liked by 2 people

      1. mikemadigan says:

        You too Annica. 🙂


  41. connorsoutherland says:

    Don’t be afraid to change the narrative, it’s always yours

    Spring break!!

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  42. larslovgren says:

    This week has been a rollercoaster of good and bad, and despite the bad I’ve found ways of working past it, and the problems that I haven’t worked out yet still have time to be completed. The inevitability of everything sets it and makes you think about why you continue to do anything at all. Is it by choice? I guess sometimes I wonder if its always something else pushing me to do anything, but maybe I’m not giving myself enough credit. If something can’t be solved by waiting it out then action must be taken. It’s good to give yourself time but you should try to plan ahead for something, even if its a thing as small as washing your blanket or finishing a hobby project you haven’t worked on in months. Don’t forget what’s important to you and your future, but live according to what you can do in the present.


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