ENGLISH 5 – 4/26/21, MONDAY

5-5:10:  How are you closing up the semester?  What is your plan, strategy, vision?

5:10-5:35:  Sedaris Observations?  Don’t worry about spoiling anything.. even if you reveal some occurrence or development we still have to read.

5:35-6:  Building the singular idea… using the books we’ve read.  Start researching around your idea… you will be required to use TWO outside sources to support your argument.

OTP:  If you don’t have one yet, consider “Truth”, the word with which we started the semester.

6-6:20:  What are you writing in your journal?  How do you use it?  How does it help you?  What do you want the journal to do, going forward in your studies, life?

6:20-6:30:  Close….

OTP:  Music… find music in your writing, especially with this final essay.

OTP:  Your idea should be note just interesting to you, but ADDICTIVE.  You should want to write it, possibly even having written pages already, notes, sketches typed or scribbled…. You should always be in love with YOUR inner-sentences, what you want to write.

OTP:  Sedaris teaches temperament with writing, but also craze and lawless leaps…

OTP:  Want to learn something?  When you finish an essay and have put time into it, collaborated with me or a colleague, and submit on-time, you have a better chance at liking the result.

OTP:  If you’re not a fan of your writing, of yourself, CHANGE THAT.

ASSIGNMENT:  Keep reading Sedaris, please finish and type your 3-page singular idea essay and send to me.  Again, when done, on or before Monday the 3rd.

177 Comments Add yours

  1. Cory Cochran says:

    I have been watching and enjoying the show “Shrill” by Jenny Lawson. It is a great show with a nice comedic undertone and I think it is a great outside source for my idea I have been building.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Cory Cochran says:

      Shrill to me really drives home how it is okay to be yourself which I have centered my idea around so this was enjoyable to watch while also helping me with my ideas. In the show the main character time and time again gets over what society thinks of her and is glad to just be herself.


  2. mikemadigan says:

    Build from this.. there is something there. Nothing affirms life like death..


  3. Paul Poulter says:

    Sedaris is a teacher, but I also believe everyone is a teacher to someone, whether it be themselves or someone else

    Liked by 3 people

  4. TiffanyFayed says:

    I do think Sedaris is a teacher he taught me to be more observant in life and to not care as much.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Dominic Betti says:

    I would say Sedaris is a teacher. The reader able to learn from Sedaris, through his experiences and character.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Morelia says:

    Yes i agree that Sedaris is a teacher because he has showed me to observe and look at the outcome of certain things weather it be present or past. ive got bits and pieces of his mindset, grief, his view of life. He talks about real life things we can relate to him or he can relate to us.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. mikemadigan says:

    I’m hungry, and cranky… re-reading some of these Sedaris pages has me making fun of myself, which is healthy as well as a prime point of self-talk and study… Why am I so hungry so often? Oh yeah.. cuz I’m old. And, I did run 6.3 miles today, so….. Yeah, and you did so as an old f/ck. Literally what I just wrote in my journal…

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Paul Poulter says:

    In terms of my singular idea, I’ve been focused in on “honesty” for quite some time. Attempting to display it and capture it in its purest form.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mikemadigan says:

      Wonderful.. explore all the levels and intensities of “honesty”…


  9. AshtonMorales1991 says:

    Sedaris dose not believe in ghost or pixies, and to a degree I understand where he is coming from this it is hard to believe in something you cant see, I think it is quite silly to believe in spirts sticking around, I am sure that for the most part they have something better to to or, place to be. I do agree Sedaris’s statement that wee can see the dead in dreams, many times the same thing has happed to me it hasn’t in a while, and just like Sedaris says ” to me it was real, I agree those conversations were real, real in the mind. I think it is a lack of closure if anything and once a person has peace with that, the dreams become less and less.


  10. oliver castillo says:

    I think that Sedaris is a teacher and what I have learned from him is that it’s all about perception. Sometimes you must do things for yourself even if no one understands why

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Lily Backus says:

    I have also been watching the show Shrill (with Cory actually he’s my boyfriend) and I really like the themes in it so I also will be using it as a source for my final paper! I will be writing about accepting yourself even when it isn’t considered socially acceptable, and that is definitely a major theme in the show. The main character is learning to love herself and I think her slow progression to standing up for herself more will be a great example of being true to yourself. I also LOVED the bathing suit scene, and how by the end she was in her swimsuit finally and having the time of her life! It was so perfect and exactly how I pictured it from Irby’s writing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mikemadigan says:

      Can’t wait to read your work!


    2. Chloe Robson says:

      I just started watching Shrill last night and I’m hooked. Absolutley love message behind it and the cast is AMAZING!!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Lily Backus says:

        I know! I hate to say it but they really nailed the boyfriend character, he is repulsive lol.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. mikemadigan says:

        I gotta watch this f/cking show..


  12. mikemadigan says:

    One singular idea…. TIME.


  13. mikemadigan says:

    Another… HAPPINESS.

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  14. mikemadigan says:

    Another… Self, and the idea of building and/or re-writing one.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. mikemadigan says:

    Idea… Doing something for others versus yourself – the justification and reality, inner-conversation and explanation.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. laurabewest says:

      I need lots of work here

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Lily Backus says:

      This is so important, you will never do something with your full heart in it if deep down you don’t want that.

      Liked by 1 person

  16. Chloe Robson says:

    For my singular idea ive decided to focus on “compassion”. I feel after the year weve all experianced a little compassion can go a long way and would be a great idea to build on.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. mikemadigan says:

    Idea… Seeing self with truth, but as well an immediate love-angle. Celebrating what’s present rather than citing and grieving and complaining over what’s not.


  18. TiffanyFayed says:

    For my singular idea, I would like to focus on My Happiness as I usually just focus on what makes other people around me happy.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mikemadigan says:

      Good, but please design an argument how the others of the semester brought you there. Have the emphasis be them, but you as well..

      Liked by 1 person

  19. mikemadigan says:

    The journal, YOU, are magic… the past you teaches the now form.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Lily Backus says:

    I’m writing about some personal struggles that relate to what we’re learning in the journals. I’m working on the whole accepting yourself even when society doesn’t want you to thing, and I have a lot to say about it because I’m not socially acceptable in a number of ways. Hopefully some of the insights I make for myself in my own life will help contribute to my final paper. For example recently I wrote a bit about my relation to Shrills bathing suit scene, because while I am in a straight sized body, I still struggle to have fun in a bathing suit because of how I view my body. I believe you have to be okay with the idea of your body at any size to really truly be okay with it, even if you’re in a smaller body. Especially when you have had an eating disorder where the recovery process requires weight gain, you don’t know what your body will look like once it figures itself out and you need to be okay with any possibility.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mikemadigan says:

      There’s a lot here for others to appreciate and learn, grow from..


  21. oliver castillo says:

    My singular idea is ” Confidence” It’s not a trait everyone has, but it’s a skill anybody can have if they’re willing to learn it.

    Liked by 1 person

  22. My singular idea: Progress

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Cory Cochran says:

    I always write down anything thats meant to be on the page for class but I also write down helpful little comments I read throughout class that backup my idea or give me a new perspective on my idea. My journal is helpful because it is somewhere I can keep notes for class but also different perspectives on ideas we talk about in class.

    Liked by 1 person

  24. TiffanyFayed says:

    I use my journal to get things off my mind usually when I overthink about everything. This helps me feel less stressed out. Going forward I would love to use my journal every night to reflect on my day.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mikemadigan says:

      If it contributes to health and mental health, well-being, it’s working..


  25. Cory Cochran says:

    Id like my journal to be able to keep all of my thoughts and ideas safe.

    Liked by 1 person

  26. Chloe Robson says:

    My journal has become uch a great outlet and has helped me really resonate with my emotions and thoughts that I use to not be able to fully understand. Recently its helped me work out a lot of issue i flt like i couldnt talk to anyone else about. Ive used it while i was bored in waitinging rooms, out at lunch, and even while half awake at 3 am. My journal has become uch an amazing tool and something that i hope to keep using in the future. It has seriously helped me work thriugh some mental blocks that have come from being stuck doing the same thing day after day.

    Liked by 1 person

  27. I think the journal helps refocus myself and keep track of ideas, as a guy who has had ADD my whole life focus is far from my string suit but a journal helps center the mind in a way.

    Liked by 1 person

  28. When I was having a hard week, every emotion that I was feeling had its own page. Now i am more content where I stand so i
    use my journal either about my day or if I have a thought when reading sedaris, at this point it has little bit of everything

    Liked by 1 person

  29. laurabewest says:

    My journal is my place for my sleeping dreams an my woke dreams, a place where I can write without filter about sadness, heartbreak, frustration, joys and musings. Sometimes a day takes up several pages, sometimes only a few words.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mikemadigan says:

      Then you and your journal have a voluminous conversation going…. keep it alive and in-flight!

      Liked by 1 person

  30. mikemadigan says:

    Thoughts are to be trapped in the journal, but nurtured as well… re-designed and antagonized.


    1. Write and if you find a blockage, take some time and then return to it with a fresh mind and maybe a slightly new perspective with what you have learned since.

      Liked by 1 person

  31. Dominic Betti says:

    My journal is mainly an outlet. With how crazy everything is these days, school work, life in general, anything that really peeves me off that’s where I write it. Also occasionally a notepad for reminders.

    Liked by 1 person

  32. mikemadigan says:

    What’s on the page y’all… Talk to us about the page in front of you… AND YES, you should be taking notes during each meeting.


    1. OTP: accept myself, embrace my story.

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  33. laurabewest says:

    OTP: Singular idea…What’s Next?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. mikemadigan says:

      Building… you tell/SHOW us.


  34. OTP: “Find Music in your writing”
    Have a goodnight everyone!

    Liked by 1 person

  35. roryhinkle says:

    writing in my journal has been really good for reflection. I hope that going forward it can help me be a better communicator

    Liked by 1 person

  36. Lily Backus says:

    OTP:What am I doing that makes me feel happy and like my true self? And what am I doing just because I THINK it’s what should be my true self because society tells me that?

    Liked by 1 person

  37. Cory Cochran says:

    OTP: be a fan of yourself and your writing, find music in my writing and see where it takes me.

    Liked by 1 person

  38. Dominic Betti says:

    OTP: You’re idea should not be just interesting, but addictive.


  39. TiffanyFayed says:

    OTP: You can always change.

    Liked by 1 person

  40. Cory Cochran says:

    Have a good night!

    Liked by 2 people

  41. oliver castillo says:

    My journal helps me let of everything I keep bottled inside of me. It also lets me capture the memories throughout my days because I can re-read and re-live the good moments in my life forever. After all, it’s now in writing. Recently my journal has been helping me be more in control of my actions and my words I use with people because I write down everything I wish I would say then be silent when I’m being confronted.

    Liked by 1 person

  42. Paul Poulter says:

    OTP: Chip away at improvements in your life every day. Music is love, music is life. Build on honesty. Build on sedaris.

    Liked by 1 person

  43. AshtonMorales1991 says:

    OTP: wright for the sake of writing, if not for anyone else you should do it as a form of peace of mind, plus it helps the mind say active.


  44. OTP: accept myself, embrace my story.


  45. OTP: Keep writing simple as that.

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  46. laurabewest says:

    Have a great night everyone


  47. larslovgren says:

    My body hurts and I don’t know why, some sentences are cooler than others.


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