Write freely.  Don’t think.

One paragraph to the next.  Don’t think about what to write – where you are and what you’re doing is enough. Pace is peace… The journal, more than being a safe place and drawing board, is a mirror.  You instructing you, on YOU.  The present and past for sakes of designing future scenes. The journal…


And every bloody day. 🤘🏼

Tell yourself to be strong and focused. 

Not distracted.  Turn yourself into an animal of production and positivity.  Setbacks and obstacles only embolden.  Make the day your own, and see the sky…. The day is yours to design.


Going forward, all Mike Madigan writings and posts will be on bottledaux.com. Please go there for all his content!!!!!!


When stress grips you, let go… write the feeling of letting go.  The definition and picture of that detachment.  Stress is not a being, it’s imagined, conceptual.  You and your strength, your ability to write your way through and out of it IS real.